
Turn of Events


Somehow, I know that it’s going to be a lovely day. I’ve been really down these past few days. It has actually been a whirl wind. But generally, it’s been… um… down. Today though, I can feel that it’s totally going to be different.

I woke up a few minutes before my alarm rang. I lingered a bit in bed and got up at the sound of Love Generation from my phone signaling that it’s exactly 6:30am. Though my mom got ahead of me in the shower, it was perfect time for me to post the seemingly poem I made last night, download some songs and transfer them to the SD. After which, I started to get ready for another day of support and configuration… I knew that I didn’t need to fast forward my routine, Thursdays for some matter prove to be the most decongested day along EDSA. In fact, I had time to chit chat with mom regarding her hair products that I had to use since mine ran out. (I miss talking to her about nonchalant things). I left at past 8, had time to warm up WAG before I shifted to Drive, drove easily along the route I know so well, parked at the woods, was just in time to squeeze in the almost packed elevator and then clocked in 3minutes before 9 and got the usual cubicle that I work in! Amazing!!! (You see, usually, when you’re this “late” you just might not get the chance to get “your seat”. We’re employing the Active Directory, AD as we call it, in our office. It’s a hotelling system that allows the employees to sit wherever they want to within their cluster on a first come-first serve basis… more on that later on…) I called my baby to say good morning and that I’m safely at the office, learned that he went to mass early this morning accompanying his papa since it’s papa’s birthday today and bade him a have a nice day.. mwah, mwah, mwah. After putting the phone down, we went straight to the coffee area for some “kilig” stories from Jengchenebelles while having breakfast. Everything was going quite smoothly, I had to cap it off with a cup of coffee… (sorry baby, I just have to… mild lang naman eh.. )

Now that it’s just the second day after payroll, I know that my phone would be on a quieter mode, things would be a bit less stressful so I can kick back and relax. I’m now listening to my new house playlist (thanks to the tip off I got) and I’m so liking it! Hope this day turns out to be just as how it started…. Updates later…

1 comment:

ASHiE & BoRA said...

i hope it did turn out the way you wanted to, there were oftentimes the simplest things we do in life are the ones so rewarding we're happy just by living it everyday.

keep 'em posts coming.. you have a reader in me, mate.. tc!